2001-04-29 9:44 p.m.
the friars are roasting in the backyard

Yeah, that first bit's pretentious, and why shouldn't it be? I started this whole thing as an exercise, a reason to write, a reason to get my thoughts out of my head and broadcast them from A to Z like we're all telepaths and I've had too much to drink.

hi world. ;)

at best, I'll bring a smirk to your faces by the light of the monitor.

at worst, well, let's hope no one walks away blinded, 'kay?

Tompkins Square Park was beautiful today...the May Day Squatters' Festival was on...lots of happy people, decked out to the nines in their Sunday raver best, listening to beats and dancing in a lovely breeze. *sigh* shouldn't NYC always be like this?

I hope I get to have our neighbors (a houseful of artists across the way) over for barbecue before I move out. it just seems like this is a house where *someone* should own a paper hat and an apron...and a can of lighter fluid used for only one thing...scorching charcoal into something...well...less than charcoal. (that, and my friend Mike, a playwright fella in Atlanta, gave me a wonderful recipe for ribs...)

July 4th, anyone?

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rewind fast-forward
prior golden country hits:
moving day - 2003-08-26
her empty eyes, searching - 2003-08-21
my zombie discoball world - 2003-08-08
SD shock - 2003-07-28
San Diego sashay - 2003-07-19

shout: 1 or 2
design (remixed)

STYX TAXI is out!

faves w/raves:
dat mimi g.

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print feels so old, Web feels so ne-ew-ew (online comics)

no follower of genetically-modified fashion