2001-05-20 6:19 p.m.
testing the waters of relish

I was about to start on a rehashing of this weekend, but that's too boring for a written record, so fuck it.

(one note, though: The Prisoner is some of the best television *ever made*. If you haven't seen this, but you watch the WB religiously, you're slippin'.)

where's my head at? I'm uneasy. So much so that I'm actually debating cancelling my trip to Atlanta, much as I don't want to. The whole thing's not so much for Shaggy and Sam's sake as my own in the first place � to see friends, to get away from New York for five days, to be in the countryside, which, honestly, I miss. I want to drink with old improv mates and ...

damn. the more I say it, the less convincing it sounds. let's see where my head's at in a week. (the ticket's nonrefundable, but I can always cash it in for Delta credit or something.)


left turn: it amazes me how much faith people have in me.

I don't feel like I'm living up to it sometimes, like my moments of malaise or sadness, my times that I get caught up with a new girl I'm seeing or that I freak out when I'm zero-point broke somehow lets people down.

Joyce is always going on about how she feels I don't have anything bad in me. Isn't a lack of goodness equal to some form of bad? I don't think there's such a thing as a karmic zero.

I also need to start working on Counting Down and One Tear...old projects that need attention, or I'll forget about 'em.

I was reading JMS' (the guy who created and wrote almost all of Babylon 5 singlehandedly) musings on what's good TV these days, and comparing what he's liking to what he's written over the last five years or so... I like his form sometimes (strong storytelling, great characters), but other times he's formulaic and his language is affected. I can appreciate pulling in a voice like Joe Orton's for the everyday man, but he shuffles a fixed set of vocal styles like cards, and not that well.

Then again, he writes where the opportunity to do something new exists (or try a new medium), and I respect that. Hell, I've done the same. I wrote zine-style music journalism...then I did the real thing...moved to true journalistic form (covering politics and film the same week)...all the while testing the waters of short stories, and moving on to comics now...

I also love that the man's got soul. That's what matters most to me at the end of the day, heart, understanding, whatever you call it. That's what makes me devour a book/film/TV show. Soul is the reason that I can't stay away from Dancer in the Dark, no matter how much it crushes me; that damn film's got more soul than a thousand Hollywood flicks put together. Pure Greek tragedy to a striving, excited score with characters that not only breathe, but bleed.

Can I do work like that?

is this why I went to school? so I could dream shit up all day? I wonder about that, if my writing will help the world in any way, or if I should just be in the Peace Corps? (no way, I'd never get past the psych profile...)

or is it that I needed to learn to focus what I'm dreaming...to make it all form a vision that people can understand and relish? comics and a hot dog, relish, hold the ketchup and introspection, please.

right turn: I think Dan's got the cutest goddamn cat in the world.

I also think it's time to start cleaning.

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prior golden country hits:
moving day - 2003-08-26
her empty eyes, searching - 2003-08-21
my zombie discoball world - 2003-08-08
SD shock - 2003-07-28
San Diego sashay - 2003-07-19

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dat mimi g.

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