2002-05-20 7:45 p.m.
the right time

I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but my brain feels like a malfunctioning hard drive sometimes — sometimes it spins too fast, sometimes it spins too slow. But lately, it's felt like the hard drive in my laptop when it hits a bad sector (which is a lot lately, it's damaged and in need of repair), meaning it hits a trigger and starts looping, unable to move forward, unable to move beyond the one thing it's looking for.

That fault's easily one reason my relationship with S is over, and the reason I'm a mild bit insane. I wouldn't call it obsessive because it's not pathological...it's more of a logic fault, an endlessly-looping if-then statement.

She deserved better than me, and I deserved better than her. I'm oddily relieved that it's over. Maybe we'll be friends sometime, when I have a chance to live my own life and she hers, but christ, is this right for now.

She's better off without me.

Politics time: isn't it funny how these terror alerts always pop up when George W. is being criticised for something? especially hyper-vague ones like the one released today ('please beware of heavily congregated areas...such as, say, apartment complexes.')

hold it...apartment complexes?? we're not supposed to go home now, let alone go to the supermarket or shop or visit our favorite tourist attraction?

and they thought the information was too general when they knew that the Al-Qaeda were plotting to hijack a plane. given the amount of hijackings in the last three decades, haven't we learned to heed such warnings? was it better to remain lax while waiting for more specific information, making 9/11 another Coventry (an English town that was bombed in order to mislead the Germans, making them think the English hadn't cracked their cryptography scheme, Enigma)?

grr. reading the news makes me want to choke our 'fearless leader.'

*yawn* time to write, I think.

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moving day - 2003-08-26
her empty eyes, searching - 2003-08-21
my zombie discoball world - 2003-08-08
SD shock - 2003-07-28
San Diego sashay - 2003-07-19

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