2001-06-16 7:08 p.m.
gooey energy

I feel like I'm drowning. Fatigue, exhaustion, taxing my body or just rewriting its parameters for a night...I always forget the toll we have to pay.

had an amazing time at rus-K's party, no small part due to chilling with Tabi. Met a bunch of fun folks who I wouldn't mind partying with again, and a few girls who I thought might've been into me, but Tabi assured me that they weren't. Ahhhh...blessed ego, its wonders to deceive.

it was lovely because everyone was just chilling. I DJ'ed for a bit, then other folks did (on the CD player, not on wheels of steel), and we all drank, ate, smoked, and never stopped talking.

If I have a wish, it's this: I want someone who'll counter me, challenge me, talk when I'm out of ideas and give me something to think about. I'm no idiot, but it's nice to have reciprocal energy thrown at you, so you get tangled up in each other's and it gets all gooey. gooey energy, perhaps a name of a band.

I'm passing out now...probably for the best. DJ Rolando's at Fun in three hours or so if I wake up in time.

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prior golden country hits:
moving day - 2003-08-26
her empty eyes, searching - 2003-08-21
my zombie discoball world - 2003-08-08
SD shock - 2003-07-28
San Diego sashay - 2003-07-19

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