2002-06-05 8:37 a.m.
quiet lesson

I keep looking to the Buddha in the garden whenever freedom becomes overwhelming (which hasn't been much lately)...and despite, not being a Buddhist (I think; I haven't read enough), the little fat man is bringing me comfort. Perhaps it's the idea of enlightenment being something low to the ground, the idea that he's planted in that garden as surely as we all are on this planet (until we evolve enough to leave, anyway), and maybe that I'm just learning to lighten up more easily.

I'm in training now for my new "job", legal secretary floater at another law firm...glamourous to be sure, but it'll pay my bills amply after a while, and having a sense of financial security, at least for a while, will feel good.

My mind's back to its usual pliability (that of UltraSlime) after a fall and winter of rigidity and emotional tumult...I've had a ridiculous idea for a one-shot comic, much in keeping with my current fascination (neurosis?) with children who've been abandoned and what they have to tell themselves/fool themselves into to survive. Then again, I've had lots of ideas. This one, should I give myself time to write it, will be a script.

So often, this house is quiet. Then it doesn't so much explode into sound as it seems to wake up...last night, that was with Jason putting on some Red House Painters while I was eating pizza and the ladies were chilling on the sofa and talking.

There's a lot to learn from quiet, though.

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